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Across the United States marriages are failing at an almost all time high. Much of the blame for America's marriage failure lies with the Church who has either been confused over or outright unwilling to teach what Jesus taught regarding marriage, divorce and remarriage.


While many Evangelicals have allowed the world and pragmatism to influence what their church teaches concerning marriage a growing number of Christians are taking a stand for a return to the Biblical teaching that marriage is for life and that no matter what happens between a couple, the marriage bond continues until death.


Using the best scholarship available, Daniel R. Jennings has written what some consider to be the best Scriptural and Historical defense of the Permanency of Marriage. But a book that is never read, no matter how well written, serves little purpose.


That is why we have started the Except For Fornication campaign. We need your help to get the word out about this vital truth and here are some ways that you can help spread the message.


Daniel Jennings wants the most people possible to read his research and that is why he has placed his book online where anyone in the world can read it for free by clicking here.


  • Share the link above by emailing it to all of your friends who believe in the permanency of marriage, as well as to those whom you wish would start believing in the permanency of marriage. (You can also download the PDF file of the book if you so desire).


  • Post the link on your social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.).


  • The paperback edition of Except For Fornication has been very modestly priced at only $4.99 making it cheap enough to buy and give away copies.


  • Give a copy to your pastor, all of the Sunday School teachers in your church and if your church has a board give each of the board members a copy and let them know that you think it is important for your church to consider this.


  • Email copies to churches. Many churches have websites with contact email addresses for their staff. This is a low/no-cost way to spread the message.


  • Consider giving away one copy to every pastor in your city. Surely every city has at least one person who believes in the permanency of marriage. If that one person would just be bold enough to contact all of the pastors in their city with this message, that could make a real difference. Here is a suggested letter to send with the book.


  • Share the link for this campaign with those whom you know believe in the permanency of marriage.


  • Donate copies to Bible colleges and seminaries. That way students who are studying this issue and may not be taught about it in the classroom can find it in their library.


  • Send copies to Bible College and Seminary professors.


  • Call your local Christian bookstores and ask them if they carry "Except For Fornication". If not, encourage them to carry it. Some Christian bookstores will allow customers to buy copies of a book and then have them sold through the store. This is called "consignment". If your local Christian bookstore does not carry the title ask them if you could consign some copies to be sold in their store. You can buy the copies at $4.99 and Daniel Jennings has given permission for his readers to sell them at a higher price and keep the extra profit. The main thing is just getting them into the stores so that people looking for sound Biblical teaching on this topic can find it when they need it.


  • If your local library accepts donations of new books, buy a copy and donate it to your local library so that people looking for truth in the library will find it.


Individuals Who Have Been Sent A Promotion Copy

The following Christian leaders have been sent a copy of Except For Fornication: Why Evangelicals Must Reevaluate Their Interpretation Of Matthew's Divorce Exception Clause. To date over 130 copies have been given to influential leaders in the Christian community to include leaders from 88 U.S. denominations and all of the member churches of the National Association of Evangelicals.  Notwithstanding, the real transformation will take place at the grassroots level, with lower-level pastors and lay people realizing that they have been misled on this issue. This is why it is so important for people to continue giving away copies and pointing people to the free online version. Together, we can spread this message.


Denominational Leaders
Bryant Wright
President, Southern Baptist Convention

Johnny Hunt
President, Southern Baptist Convention

Fred Luter,
President, Southern Baptist Convention

Jerry G. Pence
General Superintendent, The Wesleyan Church

Frank L. Hrabak
President, Primitive Methodist Church

Edward W. Williamson
International General Superintendent, Evangelical Methodist Church

Mike Weldon
Executive Director, The Association Of Independent Methodists

Ron Thomas
Executive Director, Advent Christian General Conference

James A. Southerland, Sr.
President, Midwest Pilgrim Holiness Church

George O. Wood
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God

Ken Hunn
Executive Director, Church of the Brethren

Bill Strausbaugh
Chair of the General Conference Board, Brethren In Christ

Gary M. Benedict
President, Christian Missionary and Alliance (C&MA)

Brian Eckhardt
General Superintendent, The Evangelical Church

Raymond F. Culpepper
General Overseer, Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.)

Bruce D. Hill
Bishop, Evangelical Congregational Church


Phil Whipple

Bishop, Church of the United Brethren in Christ USA


Randall Bach

President, Open Bible Churches


John P. Williams

Regional Director, Evangelical Friends Church International-North America


Rice Broocks

Co-Founder, Every Nation Churches And Ministries


William J. Hamel

President, Evangelical Free Church Of America


Clyde Hughes

Bishop/General Overseer, International Pentecostal Church Of Christ


Ronald W. Carpenter, Sr.

General Superintendent, International Pentecostal Holiness Church


Peter Borgdorff

Deputy Executive Director, Christian Reformed Church in North America


Marion Hunerdosse

President, Christian Union


Paul McPheeters

Conference President, Conservative Congregational Christian Conference


Jerry Sheveland

President, Converge Worldwide (Formerly Baptist General Conference)


Tom Cowley

Moderator, Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches In America


Steven Key

Synod President (2012), Protestant Reformed Churches In America


Ron Burgio

President, Elim Fellowship


Robert C. McCleland

Executive Director, North American Baptist Conference


Joseph Tkach

President, Grace Communion International


Glenn C. Burris Jr.

President, The Foursquare Church


Doug Klein

Moderator, Evangelical Presbyterian Church


Ed Boschman

Executive Director, U.S. Mennonite Brethren


Bert Waggoner

National Director, Vineyard USA


Commissioner William A. Roberts

National Commander, Salvation Army


Bill Hossler

President, The Missionary Church


Rocky Rocholl

President, Fellowship of Evangelical Churches


Dr. James Murray

Interim Executive Director, General Association Of General Baptists


Bishop David Kendall

Bishop Matthew Thomas

Bishop David Roller

Board Of Bishops, Free Methodist Church, USA


John Hopler

Executive Committee Director, Great Commission Churches Association


Roy Taylor

Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church In America


Willie Nolte

Mission Lead, Transformation Ministries


Dr. Eugénio R. Duarte

Dr. David W. Graves

Dr. Jesse C. Middendorf

Dr. Jerry D. Porter

Dr. Stan A. Toler

Dr. J. K. Warrick

Board of General Superintendents, Church Of The Nazarene


Robert Appel

Executive Director, Seventh Day Baptist General Conference


Dr. Julius R. Scruggs

President, National Baptist Convention, USA


Bryce Augsburger

Chairman, Council Of Eighteen: General Association of Regular Baptist Churches


Linzy Slayden

President, Baptist Bible Fellowship International


A. Roy Medley

General Secretary, American Baptist Churches, USA


Ed Rosenberry

Executive Director, Churches of God General Conference


Ted N. C. Wilson

President, Seventh-Day Adventist Church


Frank Wood

Moderator, Global Independent Baptist Fellowship


Charles D. Brown

Bishop, United Zion Church


Emery Lindsay

Presiding Officer, Church Of Christ (Holiness), USA


R.D. Tyler

Presiding Bishop, Church of the Living God CWFF


Larry Collins

Managing Director, North American Christian Convention


Tom Hermiz

General Superintendent, The Churches of Christ in Christian Union


Ronald V. Duncan

General Director, Church of God Ministries, Inc. (Anderson, IN)


Whaid Rose

General Conference President, Church Of God (Seventh Day)


Gary B. Walter

President, The Evangelical Covenant Church


Colin Saxton

General Secretary, Friends United Meeting


Frosty Hansen

President, Grace Gospel Fellowship


Dr. William Sillings

President, International Fellowship Of Bible Churches


Rev Randall A. Grossman

President, Bible Fellowship Church


Preston Heath

General Superintendent, Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church, Inc.


Bishop Charles Scott

General Bishop, Pentecostal Church of God


Bishop Ronald Wilson

General Superintendent, Congregational Holiness Church


Bishop Randall E. Howard,

General Overseer, The Church of God of Prophecy


James E. McKnight,

Presiding Bishop, Church of God By Faith


Charles E. Blake, Sr.

Presiding Bishop, Church of God in Christ


Chuck Smith

Founder, Calvary Chapel


Leonard R Kolb

U.S.A. District Apostle, New Apostolic Church


Peter D Robinson

Archbishop, The United Episcopal Church of North America


The Most Reverend Huron C. Manning, Jr.

Presiding Bishop, Southern Episcopal Church


The Most Rev. Council Nedd II

Presiding Bishop, Episcopal Missionary Church


The Rt Rev'd Paul C Hewett

Council Of Bishops, Diocese Of The Holy Cross


James Eugene Provence

Archbishop, Anglican Province Of Christ The King


The Most Rev'd Walter H. Grundorf

Presiding Bishop, Anglican Province Of America


Most Rev. Louis W. Falk

President, House of Bishops, Anglican Church in America


Most Reverend Robert Wm. Duncan

Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America


The Most Rev. Leonard W. Riches

Presiding Bishop, The Reformed Episcopal Church


The Rt. Rev. William H. Ilgenfritz

Bishop, Missionary Diocese of All Saints


The Right Reverend Eric Menees

Bishop, Diocese of San Joaquin


The Rt. Rev. Jack L. Iker

Bishop, The Episcopal Diocese Of Fort Worth


The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates

Patriarch and Primate of North America, Charismatic Episcopal Church


The Rt. Rev. Charles H. Murphy, III

Chairman, Anglican Mission In America


The Most Rev’d Dr. Robert D. Parlotz

Archbishop and Primate, United Anglican Church


The Most Reverend Mark Haverland

Metropolitan and Archbishop, Anglican Catholic Church


Dick Thomas

Moderator, Mennonite Church USA


Dr. Les Lofquist

Executive Director, Independent Fundamental Churches of America


John David Smith

Executive Director, Baptist Missionary Association of America Department of Missions

Seminary/Bible College Directors
Albert Mohler
President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Paige Patterson
President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Daniel Akin
President, Southeastern Seminary

Gary Briden
President, Southern Methodist College

Tom Rainer,
President, Lifeway Christian Stores

Tom Ascol
Executive Director, Founders Ministries

Ray Comfort
Director, Way of the Master

Kirk Cameron
Staff Member, Way of the Master

Jack Chick,
Owner, Chick Publications

Vic Reasoner
President, Fundamental Wesleyan Society


Ken Ham

Founder, Answers In Genesis

David Pawson

Director, David Pawson Ministries


Paul Washer

Director, HeartCry Missionary Society


Dr. Michael L. Brown

Founder, ICN Ministries


Carl Baugh

Founder, Creation Evidence Museum


Eric Hovind

President, Creation Science Evangelism


John D. Morris

President, Institute for Creation Research

David Platt
Pastor, The Church at Brook Hills
Author of Radical

Matt Chandler
Pastor, The Village Church

JD Greear
Pastor, The Summit Church

Tony Merida
Pastor, Imago Dei Church

Greg Gilbert
Pastor, Third Avenue Baptist Church

Daniel Montgomery
Pastor, Sojourn Community Church

Thabiti Anyabwile
Pastor, First Baptist Church Grand Cayman

Mark Dever
Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

W. L. Wade
Pastor, Lighthouse Bible Church

Brian Edwards
Pastor, Blessed Hope Baptist Church

Mike Bickle
Pastor, International House Of Prayer-Kansas City

John Piper
Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
Founder, Desiring God Ministries

Alex Kendrick
Associate Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church
Production Leader For Flywheel, Facing The Giants, Fireproof and Courageous

Stephen Kendrick
Senior Associate Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church
Production Leader For Flywheel, Facing The Giants, Fireproof and Courageous


Voddie Baucham

Pastor, Grace Family Baptist Church